Learn Kendo
The Way of
The Sword
Taught by masters of the art, Torrance Kendo Dojo
reveals a path of physical and mental discipline through Kendo
Torrance Dojo is the only dojo in the United States with over 20 active senseis (instructors) - including 4 U.S National Champions and 11 senseis who have represented their country in the World Kendo Championships."

“Kenyu” represents the theme of Torrance Kendo Dojo. This word is composed of two characters: “Ken” (sword), the first character in “Kendo,” and “Yu,” derived from the word “Tomo” (friend). Combined, the two characters form the word “Kenyu,” or “Friendship through Kendo.” We believe Kendo is a pursuit in which one will naturally develop deep camaraderie, trust, and loyalty through rigorous training and diligent study.

These relationships form not only between Sensei (teachers) and Kenshi (students) within one’s own Dojo, but between fellow Kendo practitioners throughout the world. Over the years, Torrance Dojo and its members have had the privilege to practice and develop “Kenyu” with Sensei and Kenshi from the United States, Japan, Korea, and many other countries throughout the world. These relationships are something that we will continue to cherish for many years to come.

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