Wilson Park Gym, Torrance 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Wilson Park Gym, Torrance 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Practice is cancelled tonight (February 17th) due to the heavy rain and dangerous conditions of the road. I believe some roads will also be blocked. We will see everyone next week, and for those adults going do the Mudansha Seminar this weekend... see you tomorrow!
Be safe tonight!
Torrance Kendo Frist keiko 01/10/2017
Wilson Park Gym, Torrance 7:00 - 8:30 PM
SCKF New Year's Party
We will have our special practice on Jan 6th (Fri) at Wilson Park MP Room from 7:30pm-10:00pm for those with bogu.
2016 Torrance Dojo Holiday Party
Date : 12/11/2016
Time : 11:30 AM ~ 3:00PM
Place : Torrance Cultural Arts Cebter
* George Nakano Theatre *
Go Photo Gallery !!
This woman never complained when I was gone most nights, most weekends for Team USA. She always supported my kendo dream and told me not to worry about our family and just practice harder because she believed we could become champions. She always put me or our team ahead of her own kendo dreams, and I am so happy that she was able to achieve one of her own kendo goals today by passing 7-Dan!!
Written By Chris Sensei
Congratulations to new SCKF sensei! Harada Brandon sensei (7 Dan) Sho Toko, Christopher Yang Sensei (Kyoshi) Torrance . Song Choi-Yang sensei (7 Dan) Torrance.
Rentaro Kunitomo Sensei( FUKUOKA Police Department) who is a champion of All Japan Kendo Championship in 2019 will be visiting LA and hold a Kendo seminar.
AUSKF Championships 6/30-7/2/23, Detroit